Genius Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template
Genius Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template is a fully featured, premium, Bootstrap Admin Template with Modern Flat Style.Based on Bootstrap 3, LESS with font-awesome & glyphicons PRO. Genius is based on latest Bootstrap 3, with LESS on board.
Genius Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template support Retina Displays, all elements look amazing!
Genius Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template contains over 1000 high resolution icons:
- Glyphicons PRO (SVG, PNG, Font Face) - you save $59
- Font Awesome (Font Face)
Include extra pages:
- Invoice
- Inbox
- ToDo & Timeline
- Profile
- Pricing Tables
- 404
- 500
- LockScreen
- Login
- Register
- Dashboard
Include following plugins:
- jQuery 2.1
- jQuery UI 1.10.3 (Custom Build)
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- FontAwesome 3.2.1
- Google "Open Sans" Font
- jQuery Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparkline
- Easy Pie Chart
- jQuery Knob
- FuelUX Wizard
- FullCalendar
- jQuery dataTables
- jQuery Chosen
- jQuery Masked Input
- jQuery Input Limiter
- jQuery AutoSize
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap DateRange Picker
- jQuery Gritter
- jQuery UI Touch Punch
- ExplorerCanvas
- X-editable
- Select2
- Bootstrap Tags
- Dropzone.js
- Nestable lists
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