Radmin is a fully responsive, fluid, admin template. We have incorporated the best of Bootstrap with additional jQuery plug-ins such as Sparklines, FullCalendar, FlotCharts, DatePicker, ColorPicker and more to give you a stylish and lightweight, multi-browser compatible template. It is easily customizable and fully functional. This theme has been fully tested and optimized for mobile devices and tablets.
- Bootstrap 3.3.1 and backwards compatibility
- Fully responsive, fluid layout
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 3 Complete Color Schemes (Default, Pink & Green)
- Exclusive Radmin Icons (courtesy of IcoMoon)
- Logo font: web font "Molle"
- CSS3 PIE for IE 8 support
- jQuery Sparklines
- jQuery FlotCharts
- Fully featured calendar (jQuery FullCalendar)
- ColorPicker for Boostrap
- DatePicker for Bootstrap
- Multiple sample pages
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